Abrams Vs T90 - It should be noted that modification or development of a new M1A3 variant is not a high priority for the US military. The military is shrinking following the withdrawal of US ground forces from Iraq and Afghanistan, and with a focus on the Pacific theater, the service is looking for ways to make room. Even with Russia's actions in Ukraine, no one seriously expects the US to engage in another major conventional ground war in the near future. As such, the most likely US forces to encounter something like the T-90 may be in some sort of hybrid warfare and there may be more cost-effective ways to deal with isolated pockets of enemy weapons.

Developed in the 1970s, the Abrams main battle tank has been the mainstay of the US Army's armored forces for over 35 years. In the decades since the M1 entered service, the tank has been upgraded several times – gaining a new 120mm gun to replace the original 105mm gun and constantly improving armour. Internally, the tank is barely recognizable as the latest M1A2 SEP v.2 machines are fully digital and networked. The US Army eventually plans to develop a new variant called the M1A3 that will significantly improve the venerable tank and try to reduce its increased weight - the result of numerous upgrades.

Abrams Vs T90

Abrams Vs T90

Meanwhile, tank development in other parts of the world has not stood still. The Soviet Union has long since collapsed and Germany no longer faces the threat of a large-scale Red Army invasion through the Folda Gap, but Russia continues to develop its tanks – the latest operational incarnation being the formidable T-90 is a main battle tank. . After all, main battle tanks aren't quite the priority they used to be for most Western powers.

Russia's Upgraded T 90m Battle Tank Is Reportedly Equipped With Data Exchange Capabilities

The T-90 is a development of the older T-72, which the Russian government decided to use after the more sophisticated T-80 proved disastrous during the wars in Chechnya. The T-90 is essentially a T-72 upgraded with more advanced systems found on the T-80U, but loses the T-80's pesky gas turbine engine. Instead, the most common version of the T-90 uses a 1000hp diesel engine – giving it a slightly less than ideal power-to-weight ratio. The T-90 features a new laminated armor package, explosive reactive armor and an electronic countermeasures suite. It retains the standard 125 mm gun. Overall, this is a very strong tank - a significant improvement over previous Russian tanks.

On a one-for-one basis, the M1A2 is still a superior design - but it's also much more expensive. American weapons doctrine places a premium on seeing the enemy first and shooting first to ensure victory—the result of decades of analysis. Abrams is designed around this concept.

Against tanks, the M1's advantages lie in its advanced sensor and fire control suite, which optimizes the ever-depleting uranium armor matrix and the impact of its M829 Sabot rounds. The latest and much improved M829E4 entered production in July. This latest iteration of the M829 – often credited with chewing through Iraqi armor during the first Gulf War as the US military – significantly increases the lethality of the Abrams' M256 120mm gun.

The M1A2 SEP v.2 continues to improve—research and development efforts are focused on networking, mobility and protection, according to the Army's FY16 budget submission.

Russia Uses T 90s Tanks Originally Bound For Export Customers

Meanwhile, full development of the M1A3 is expected to begin within a few years and will improve almost every aspect of the Abrams. The new Abrams derivative should be significantly lighter and more mobile while improving its armor protection. It will also have much better computer systems and sensors. Here's what you need to remember: The Type 99's armor, gun and electronic systems are not guaranteed, especially since the vehicle has not been exported, while both the M1 and T-90 were used in action by multiple operators.

United States. And Russia. (Note that such counts include vehicles in storage and reserve. The number of tanks in operational units is less in any case).

However, most of the Beijing tanks are older designs, especially the Type 59 and 69 tanks, which are more or less directly copied from the Soviet T-54 tank of the 50s. Such is their altruism that I once had the pleasure of encountering one in a Tianjin playground tending to the needs of (youths).

Abrams Vs T90

But China's top tank, the Type 99, has been well respected by international observers, even though it has never been exported or used in combat. The reason is simple: the reported performance parameters are on par with many high-end Western designs, and the Type 99 also packs some unique tricks.

Russia's Armata Tank Vs. America's M 1 Abrams And Tow Missile: Who Wins?

Today we will look at how the Type 99 stacks up against two major contemporaries, the American M1A2 Abrams and the Russian T-90A tank.

Some may ask how likely it is that the US Army's M1 Abrams tanks will collide with the Type 99.

What to consider: Can both vehicles swim across the Pacific and exchange shots on Scarborough Shoal?

All kidding aside, Operation Flashpoint seems unlikely except in amphibious invasion scenarios fit for computer games. On the other hand, Taiwan has expressed interest in buying Abrams tanks, and Australia also operates 60 tanks, so never say never.

Deathmatch: Russia's New T 90m Tank Vs. Javelin And Nlaw Missiles: Who Wins?

However, the question is more relevant when we consider the Russian T-90. Moscow currently has good relations with Beijing, with which it shares a border, but the two powers are not close allies, having almost come to war in the late 1960s.

Most importantly, Russia sells its weapons to India and Vietnam – including systems clearly intended to counter the Chinese military, such as BrahMos cruise missiles, and, well, … more than 1,000 T-90 tanks, of which there are many . It is stationed at the border of the Himalayas.

China fought a border war with India in 1962 and a second war with Vietnam in 1979 to punish the nation for opposing the Beijing-backed Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia. (Vietnam also wants to order T-90s.)

Abrams Vs T90

Today, the Chinese military sees India – a potential future superpower – as a threat and has heavily militarized their shared border, building roads that allow heavy military vehicles to pass through steep mountains. China is also allied with Pakistan, which has repeatedly fought with India, and occasionally transfers military technology to it.

Challenger 2: Compared To The Competition

Finally, one must consider the scenario of a possible civil war or regime collapse in North Korea. Exactly what Beijing's policy would be in such a scenario is a trillion-dollar question, but one scenario would involve Chinese ground forces intervening to restore order in North Korea—resulting in possible clashes with Korean troops.

So even if an actual armed conflict would be unnecessary and very damaging to all involved – like most wars! - there are some contexts where tank battles can occur on China's borders, especially versus Russian-made tanks.

The Abrams, of course, is a classic American design that destroyed a Soviet-made Iraqi tank in the 1991 Gulf War without losing a single tank to enemy fire. The Abrams isn't exactly new, but the military has been constantly modifying it to keep its ammunition, armor package and sensors up to date.

The T-90 is Russia's first post-Cold War tank. Although not quite one of the Abrams, it still has significant improvements in accuracy and protection, especially in the later-generation explosive-reactive armor-equipped models. While Russia introduces its revolutionary new T-14 tank, currently its 550 T-90As are its frontline armored vehicles.

T 90 Main Battle Tank #2

Moscow has developed the more advanced T-90AM but has not put it into full production. However, 354 of the similar export variant T-90MS have been sold to India for deployment on its border with China. In total, India has more than 1,200 T-90s, while Algeria plans to eventually operate more than 800.

China's Type-99 combines a hull similar to a long T-72 with a Western-style turret partially inspired by the German Leopard 2. The vehicle first appeared in the 1999 National Day Parade as a Type 98 prototype tank. Redesigned Type 99 and taken in use in 2001. With its 57 tons, it falls between the 70-ton Abrams and the 48-ton T-90 in terms of weight. Several upgrades including the new Type 99A2 variant boast innovative new technology. Beijing manufactures about 500 Type 99s in sixteen armored battalions and has so far produced 124 new 99As. This variant is not offered for export, although some of its technology is used in China's VT4 export tank.

The Type 99 and T-90 rely on 125 mm guns using carousel autoloaders derived from Soviet-era designs. The weapon proved underpowered verses the Abrams and Challenger tanks in the Gulf War, but new improved tungsten ammunition allowed it to penetrate the Abrams' frontal armor at shorter combat ranges.

Abrams Vs T90

The new type 99A2 comes with a longer barreled main gun, theoretically giving the sabot rounds a higher muzzle velocity and improving their armor penetration and accuracy. It also has a neat new stabilizer technology.

Moderne Militaire Voertuig T90 M1a2 Abrams Gevechtstank Paladin Cheetah Bouwsteen Ww2 Army Force Cijfers Bricks Model Speelgoed|blokken|

China reportedly plans to eventually mount a larger 140 mm gun on the Type 99, but initial tests have broken the weapon. Incidentally, this mirrors Russia's plan to equip its new T-14 Armata tank with similar capabilities.

The Abrams Rheinmetall 120 mm gun, armed with the politically controversial M829 depleted uranium cartridge, can penetrate about 15-25 percent more armor. The US is now producing new generations of M829 rounds capable of penetrating advanced contact and reactive armor.

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