Assault Case - Only 310 out of every 1,000 sexual assaults are reported to the police. That means more than 2 out of 3 don't report it.

In cases of sexual violence reported to the police between 2005 and 2010, survivors reported the following reasons for doing so:

Assault Case

Assault Case

Among sexual assault crimes that were not reported to the police from 2005-2010, the victim gave the following reasons for not reporting:

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Sexual violence is difficult to measure, and no single data source provides a complete picture of the crime. On the site, we have tried to select the most reliable sources of statistics for each topic. The primary data source we use is the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), an annual study conducted by the Department of Justice. To conduct the NCVS, researchers interviewed tens of thousands of Americans each year to learn about the crimes they experienced. Based on these interviews, the study estimated the total number of crimes that were not reported to the police. While the NCVS has a number of limitations (notably, children under 12 are excluded), overall it is the most reliable source of crime statistics in the United States.

We also relied on other Department of Justice studies, as well as data from the Department of Health and Human Services and other government and academic sources. When compiling these statistics, we usually keep the words used by the authors. Statistics are presented for educational purposes only. Each figure includes a footnote to the original source, where you can find information on methodology and definitions of terms.

Delays in the prosecution of rape cases are currently one of the biggest obstacles to prosecuting sex offenders. Read more

A monthly gift of $25 can educate 15,000 people about sexual violence prevention. Can you think of a better way to spend $1 a day? Donate a Monthly Home » Questions » Sexual Assault » What causes of action are established to prove negligent security in a sexual assault case?

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If inadequate security leads to sexual assault, this could be the basis for a legal case. But it is not enough to say that someone is responsible for sexual assault. You must prove what is called "cause" under the law.

Below, we'll take a look at what causation means and why it's important to consider safety in a sexual assault case.

Causation is very important in any personal injury case. By law, causation means that the person or party you're suing must prove you were injured. This person or parties are also called the "liable party" in the accident case.

Assault Case

You can't just say someone else has to pay for your losses. You need to confirm what they are doing wrong.

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Causation actually indicates that someone's actions caused the event. In this case, the phenomenon is sexual assault. Your claim must show that the assault would not have occurred without the defendant's actions or inactions.

For example, property owners must ensure that their premises are safe for visitors and customers. If the employer does not take certain precautions, it puts people at risk. Sexual assault on property occurs because the owner does not provide adequate security.

The reason is that the attack would not have happened if there had actually been better security. Your lawyer can prove that inadequate security is the cause of sexual assault.

For example, an apartment complex needs to be familiar with the security of an area. If there were previous reports of sexual assault in the neighborhood, the homeowner knew there was a risk. If they fail to protect tenants and visitors, they may be liable for trespassing on their property.

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The property owner must know (or should know) that there is reason to provide adequate protection.

Most people have no obligation to control the behavior of others. If someone attacks someone else, that attacker is responsible for their actions. However, an exception is made when attacking a person's property.

Property and business owners have a duty of care to people they invite onto their property. They must maintain a safe premises. If this does not happen and an accident occurs, the owner may be liable.

Assault Case

Sexual assault is no exception. If you have trespassed on property, you may have a claim against the owner. Talk to an attorney today about your compensation rights.

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John Foy & Associates can help. We have over 20 years of experience helping victims seek justice. Call (404) 400-4000 or contact us online.

There are many steps involved in establishing the cause of sexual assault. When the case involves negligent security, it falls under local liability law. It is best to contact an experienced local sexual assault tort attorney.

Your attorney will gather evidence to support your claim in several ways. They investigate the attack and where it happened. They also prepare for any defenses brought by the property owner.

A property owner can claim they had no way of knowing an attack would occur. Your attorney will work to gather evidence that:

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Property owners have a duty of care. If this duty of care is breached, it is called negligence. Failure to provide adequate security may constitute negligence in a sexual assault case.

If the property owner took more measures, you must show that the attack did not occur. In many cases, poor security is a lack of care.

Of course, the perpetrators of this incident happen directly. Unfortunately, suing this person is not always easy. Attacks may occur, and it may be difficult to identify them.

Assault Case

Even if you find an infringer, you may be able to sue the third-party property owner. Pursuant to §51-12-4 of the Code of Georgia (OCGA), you may file a personal injury claim to recover damages. If the employer's actions contributed to the assault, you may have a case.

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Property owners often have insurance to cover property damage. If you sue, you can fight for a settlement to cover your costs.

Insurance companies are looking for any way to reduce the settlement. Even for serious things like sexual assault, insurance companies don't want to pay. Make sure you have an attorney you can see for the compensation you deserve.

Insurance companies often provide advance settlements to victims. However, this amount is still small - never enough to cover the losses. If you receive a settlement offer, contact an attorney. Don't accept money without first getting legal advice.

Our team of sexual assault attorneys knows what it takes to establish causation and build a strong case. We are not afraid to fight for your rights. If you or someone you know has been victimized, find the power of "Strength" today.

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Get the legal help you need today. Call us for a free consultation. If you don't have compensation, we don't charge anything. Call (404) 400-4000 or schedule a free consultation with us today.

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